Monday, March 26, 2007

Service Learning Project

This is my first blog regarding the Service Learning Project for this class. After taking forever to get off the ground, I'm going twice this week: tomorrow (Tuesday) and Friday. I'm excited for both sessions.

This morning at 9am we had a brainstorming session. In attendance was myself, Scott, Eryn and Jen. I think this will be a hot group. Scott and Eryn are great organizers and we had our session planned out in under half an hour. We have a wide range of activities drawing on a range of sources. We're going to sing some Beatles songs and "You are my sunshine" just as review. Then, we're going to proceed to discuss some percussion instruments and a bit about ensemble playing. Just simple things like dynamics and not everyone playing at once. I'm bringing a nice range of percussion stuff that should be exciting, and Scott is bringing his keyboard and Brian will bring his guitar. I'm excited that we'll be making some live music. Inspired by Dalcroze, one exercise we're going to do is to get the participants to move to some music that we play, and then stop as soon as we stop playing. We're planning to try both a blues feel and a more straight or Latin feeling. Hopefully these different feels will inspire different types of movements.

Inspired by an earlier group, we're going to try and get participants to a soundscape using voices and percussion instruments. We're going for a jungle theme which will connect nicely to singing "In the Jungle" afterwards!

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